It’s all craic and games til someone gets hurt

          Hi! Welcome to Unsolicited Loaf. Loaf is a dorky acronym that means life of a female. I’ve always wanted to publicize my blog, which I’ve maintained on and off for the last 8 years. I’ve got a lot of things going on this year that my friends and family are interested in following, and this blog will be the space where I catch them all up. And if you’re here and don’t know me in person, welcome! I’m excited to get to know you. ☺️ A little about my life right now: I’m a sophomore at the Georgia Insitute of Technology, a member of the LDS church, 2nd kid out of five, and newly engaged to the love of my life, Stephen. This semester I’m studying abroad in Limerick, Ireland. These are my adventures and I’m excited to share them with you.
Peace out, Boy Scouts.

